When you decide to get your teeth straightened, you have to follow the conditions such as brushing every time you eat something so that the aligners remain clean and don’t cause any infections. Food particles get stuck in such appliances which are why it is better to eat food after taking them off. This is one reason why the orthodontist allows you to take off your Invisalign at least twice in a day. Before actually getting these aligners installed your dental expert might recommend a palate expander and a couple of tests such as root canal in wasilla so that there are no chances of infection. Palate expander that is used to widen the upper jaws so that there is enough space for all teeth to accommodate properly while they align themselves.
It is important to wear these for at least 22 hours which leaves you with a spare time of 2 hours that is enough for you to have three meals a day. Also, if you are a fan of coffee and coloured drinks, you have to ensure that you take proper care of your Invisalign because the clear material gets stained very easily. This looks very unpleasant when seen from a distance. Braces generally lasts for 2-3 years depending on the severity of misalignment. In case of high severity, you can always search for an expert dentist in wasilla near me. They are the only ones who can install more advanced aligners so that you get even teeth in no time.
It is important to wear these for at least 22 hours which leaves you with a spare time of 2 hours that is enough for you to have three meals a day. Also, if you are a fan of coffee and coloured drinks, you have to ensure that you take proper care of your Invisalign because the clear material gets stained very easily. This looks very unpleasant when seen from a distance. Braces generally lasts for 2-3 years depending on the severity of misalignment. In case of high severity, you can always search for an expert dentist in wasilla near me. They are the only ones who can install more advanced aligners so that you get even teeth in no time.