Monday 17 May 2021

Quick information about dental implants

 A dental implant is a procedure performed by an experienced oral surgeon to replace a natural tooth with an artificial one. This artificial tooth is permanently fixed in the jawbone. Imagine you lost your tooth decades ago, the only options you had was either removable dentures or a fixed bridge. With modern dental technologies, we have better options and dental implants in Wasilla are one of them.

Talking more about the dental implants in wasilla, an implant is made up of titanium metal, which is fused into the jawbone, serving as the root of the missing tooth. Unlike the fixed bridges, which will need to be replaced two to three times during a lifetime, the dental implants are quite durable and ever.

The following are the advantages of dental implants:

  1. They look good and they will give you entirely new appearance, a refurbished smile and a confident personality. They look like real teeth only and you will forget that you even lost a tooth before.
  • Dental implants will save the adjacent teeth. The teeth are anchored with each other and they shall preserve the overall integrity of the healthy teeth.
  • They build your confidence and there is nothing embarrassing about the noise and slippage of dentures. With implants, you know they will remain firmly in its place for decades.

They are more reliable because they do not have to worry about misplacing implants, and there is no need to replace them many times in life.